Sunday 10 February 2013

Search Engine Optimization - How To Combine YouTube Videos & SEO For Maximum Results

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By - Ben Bernstein
Category - Search Engine Optimization
Posted By - Imagination Print

Search Engine Optimization
The whole purpose of marketing is to get more business. That is where SEO comes in. Without proper search engine optimization strategies, chances are very good that your business will not get the attention it needs. Fortunately, SEO can be easily implemented into many areas of marketing. You can even boost your business traffic by using YouTube videos SEO. Read below to find out how you can combine YouTube videos and SEO for maximum marketing results.

Why use YouTube videos SEO?
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. People jump onto this media giant day after day to search for any number of things. Whether it be how to videos, merchandise reviews or homes for sale, practically anything you need can be found on YouTube. In fact, over 4 billion hours of videos are watched on this site each month. It is one of the easiest and most convenient places to find the information you need and in a form that is both entertaining and helpful.

The key to using keywords
The video title you choose will either make you or break you. In YouTube, when a search is performed the defaulted list is sorted by relevance. Without the right keywords used in the title of your video, a person may have to scroll through several pages before finding yours. A good number of videos in YouTube are solely for entertainment purposes and there are millions of those. Your goal should be to get to the top of the list. You can do this by using the right keywords in the video title. Consider how you would search for your video and that will help you to choose the most appropriate keywords.

Furthermore, before adding the video to YouTube, make sure that your keywords are in the actual video file name, such as “business movers-idaho.avi”. Although the viewer does not see the file name, it does give the video more relevance by YouTube itself.

Add links to your other videos
When you post a video to YouTube, you can easily gain more views on other videos you have posted by adding links to them. Of course, it is wise to only link to videos that are relevant to the topic at hand. Links to irrelevant videos could quickly turn people off from your company. Along with links, you can also add tags from these other videos.

Stick to one YouTube Channel per Topic
When you do a search on YouTube, the videos are populated by relevance. However, you will also notice that the videos with the greatest number of views are at the top of the list. This is where you want yours to be and you can accomplish this by sticking to one channel per topic. An established channel has much greater SEO power than a new channel. Likewise, a channel with the same content throughout, will gain more subscribers than a thrown together soup of topics.

Drive traffic to your website
Having a YouTube channel can greatly increase the traffic to your business website. By improving your SEO on Youtube, more people will find your videos and will view your profile page. On your profile page is where you should add links to your website and to other social media sites you may have such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+. By adding links to these pages, you can take full advantage of your YouTube videos SEO.

By combining YouTube and SEO, you can experience maximum results from your video marketing strategies. Take advantage of this media giant and see your business reach the top. What experiences have you had with video SEO?

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