Wednesday 6 February 2013

Companies Logos Design - No Facebook for Five Months — It's in Your Contract

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By - Eric Larson
Category - Companies Logos Design
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Companies Logos Design
Facebook addiction is a tough habit to kick. But if you're brave enough to attempt a short break from the social media site, a little paper agreement might be a good idea — just to be sure you don't cheat. 

14-year-old Rachel Baier, from Boston, signed a "Facebook Deactivation Agreement" with her father. The contract states that if she remains Facebook-free from Feb. 4 to June 26, 2013, her father will pay her a total of $200. She's given her father the password to her account, so he's changed it and deactivated it — again, just to be sure. 

There's a bit of a grace rule, though. It appears if she only lasts past April 15, she still gets $50.
Her dad, Paul Baier, posted the photo on his blog Practical Sustainability. 

SEE ALSO: Most of Us Take Facebook Breaks, Then We Come Back
Her journey's only just begun, so we'll have to wait and see if she makes it. And as for what she plans to spend the reward on if she succeeds? "Stuff." 

Would you stay off Facebook for nearly five months for $200?

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