Tuesday 5 February 2013

Lube Stickers - Ribbon Makes It Easier to Buy and Sell Items on Facebook and Twitter

Source - http://mashable.com/
By - Seth Fiegerman
Category - Lube Stickers
Posted By - http://tinyurl.com/LubeStickers

Lube Stickers
Several startups have launched in the past year with the goal of helping businesses and individual sellers process payments on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Now, one startup is going a step further by creating the first streamlined solution for payments across these and other social platforms.

Ribbon, a payments service, came out of stealth in November and unveiled a tool that lets sellers create a special link to a one-page checkout that can be copy and pasted directly into the Twitter news feed. Any Twitter user interested in purchasing the item can preview a description and video of it in the tweet and then click on the link to make the purchase. Ribbon handles the rest, including processing the payment for the seller and e-mailing a receipt to the customer.

On Tuesday, Ribbon introduced a similar option for processing payments in the Facebook news feed. As with the Twitter option, sellers just paste the Ribbon link into a Facebook post and it will direct customers straight to the checkout page where they can purchase the item with one click The startup plans to roll out this feature for YouTube next and hopes to expand it to other social networks like Pinterest in the future. 

The big selling point for Ribbon's service is that sellers can copy and paste the same link into posts on any of these social networks and it will automatically customize the checkout experience.

"The idea is to make buying and selling frictionless so that it happens on whatever platform the user is already on, rather than pushing him somewhere else and losing him," Hany Rashwan, Ribbon's co-founder and CEO, told Mashable. "All you do as a seller is just copy and paste."

Since the service launched publicly last year, Hany says it has attracted sellers ranging from musicians selling songs and tickets to Etsy and Craigslist users selling physical goods. While Hany says his company isn't directly competing against these websites, he admits that part of the goal of Ribbon is to "cut your middle man out and sell directly to your fans and followers through your own channels."

Ribbon, as it exists today, is a bit different than the original plan Hany had for the company. When Hany was first accepted into the AngelPad startup accelerator program in the fall of 2011, the goal was to build a "simpler version of Shopify," an ecommerce platform that lets users create their own online stores. After a few months, though, Hany and his team shifted to focus on the problem that others like Soldsie and Chirpify have attempted to solve: how to monetize your following on various websites. As Hany puts it, "The problem is I've cultivated an online following on Twitter, or on my own website, but I'm not empowered to monetize my own users."

Ribbon announced this week that it has raised a $1.6 million seed round led by Draper Associates to solve that problem. This is on top of the $120,000 that Ribbon raised through AngelPad. 

The startup generates revenue by taking a 5% cut of every purchase and charging a $0.30 fee per transaction.

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