Thursday 31 January 2013

Website Design And Development - Web Search Tool Answers Your Tricky Questions

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By - Rachel Metz
Category - Website Design And Development
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Website Design And Development
Some web searches are easy to think of and describe, but complicated to conduct.
If, for instance, you want to find “a nonstop flight from Las Vegas to San Diego next week on JetBlue,” you have to fill out a bevy of fields on a travel site.

SkyPhrase, a startup created by Nick Cassimatis, an associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will soon offer software that lets companies turn natural language questions like the one above into a format that their databases can handle.

Facebook’s new search tool, Graph Search, highlights both the progress that’s being made in natural language processing and the difficulties that remain. Unlike the old search bar, Graph Search lets users enter queries as they might speak them. And yet, this is still limited to a fairly small range of query types.

While natural language processing typically involves teaching software vocabulary and grammatical rules or using statistical analysis, SkyPhrase’s technology uses a combination of algorithms and data structures.

The company plans to release a website in February, as well as an extension for the Chrome web browser, that would allow users of Google Analytics to filter information using natural language queries.

Cassimatis says this could make it easier to find patterns or data points that are otherwise time-consuming for even a seasoned user to unearth. Eventually, the company hopes to offer SkyPhrase as a programming interface for other websites.

Natural language search could make it easier for people with little or no training to ask complicated questions that typically require searching through large stores of data. Besides Facebook’s efforts, Wolfram Alpha can answer natural language queries, and Apple’s virtual assistant Siri also encourages users to speak questions aloud in complete sentences (some of its answers come from Wolfram Alpha).

Percy Liang, an assistant professor in Stanford’s computer science department who studies natural language processing and machine learning, thinks SkyPhrase’s idea is a good one, but cautions that there is a lot of work to be done to make natural language processing work. He says challenges include determining what a word or phrase means based on its context—such as knowing that Obama is not just the U.S. president’s name, but also a city in Japan—and the ability to pick up on sentiment—such as a Yelp restaurant review that says, sarcastically, “I had to wait an hour for this!”

Users also need to know what they can do with the system. If there’s a big gap between a user’s expectations and the system’s abilities, the user will get disappointed, Liang says. Facebook’s Graph Search, for example, tries to solve this problem by auto-completing queries so users know what kinds of things it can search for. Likewise, Siri tries to answer only a limited range of queries.

SkyPhrase is still clearly in its infancy. I tried a version that can conduct complex natural language searches of Twitter, Gmail, Orbitz and Amazon’s MP3 store. It couldn’t understand a number of my queries—not infrequently because I was trying to get it to do things it hasn’t yet been trained to do—but it did a decent job of searching through Gmail, and understanding some complex queries about e-mails I needed to find as I organized an upcoming trip.

SkyPhrase understands only searches for complete words (a search for simply “banana” won’t bring up an email mentioning the game Bananagrams) and doesn’t infer meaning from words (it won’t pull up messages or tweets with words related to the words you’re searching for). But it can understand conjunctions—I could search for, say, “emails from Bob Loblaw in December and January about recipes with a PDF,” or “emails from Bob Loblaw or Tobias Funke about cookies in December.”

Content Management System - What They Don't Tell You In The Plane Safety Demo

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Category - Content Management System
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Content Management System
Have you ever wondered exactly why airlines dim the lights upon landing, making you grope to find the overhead light just as you were about to finish your Koduko? (Hint: It's not to save electricity.) Or why it's so important to put your own oxygen mask on before helping others? Or what's it like jumping onto a 737's inflatable emergency slide? And just how heavy are those over-wing exit doors?

If you're a bit of an airline nerd like me, then you might have been curious. Or maybe you're the cautious kind, the kind who wants to have every possible advantage the next time there's a "Miracle on the Hudson" or if a lithium ion battery catches fire and you have to deplane in a hurry.

Well, British Airways has just the thing: the BA Flight Safety Awareness Course, a modified version of the same training that flight crews go through after they're hired and then once a year thereafter. Even if you're not the pessimistic or overly cautious type, it's a fascinating way to spend a day in London.

You get to jump down an emergency slide! And if you’ve ever wanted to pull the inflation cord on one of those airplane life vests, this is your chance. You also get to evacuate a cabin filled with smoke (it's the kind used in a theater or rock concert, but it does the trick). You'll practice the fine points of the "brace position." And best of all, you understand why some of those more obscure procedures and safety warnings are part of the flight experience.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Pay Per Click Services - 6 Rules for Pay-per-click Ad Profits

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By - Scott Smigler
Category - Pay Per Click Services
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Pay Per Click Services
I often hear from merchants that have tried pay-per-click advertising, but it wasn’t profitable for them. So they abandoned it. In my experience, however, many merchants could turn unprofitable campaigns into profitable ones by adopting the six rules that follow. 

Rule 1: Commit to PPC

According to my analysis, PPC listings rank second of all traffic sources, including organic search listings, direct type-ins URLs, social media, affiliates, shopping engines, and email marketing.
 What the chart shows is that PPC is too important to ignore. Just search on Google for a product and you’ll notice that PPC listings — including listings from Google Shopping — are dominating the search results page. It’s likely that Google will continue emphasizing PPC listings over organic listings. While organic listings are the most important source of traffic, PPC will increasingly become a close second.
That means that as an online retailer, you have a lot to gain by making PPC work for you, and a lot to lose by not. It’s time to commit to PPC.

Rule 2: Organize for Success

My company audits hundreds of PPC campaigns for online retailers each year. Eight out of ten campaigns that we see are terribly organized. There is no system or strategy in place to distinguish “campaigns” from “Ad Groups.” That makes it very hard to do things like bolstering budgets on product categories that are in season, aligning promotions between your ad text and your website, or using advanced techniques to target shoppers on mobile devices.

We usually recommend a simple approach to organizing Google AdWords accounts that align “Campaigns” within AdWords with the product categories on your site, and “Ad Groups” within AdWords with individual products on your site.

Rule 3: Adjust Your Match Types

When we conduct PPC audits for merchants, we often find that many or most of the keywords within their AdWords campaigns use the "broad" match type. This is a big mistake. Broad matches find close variations and synonyms, so a consumer who searches for “dog supplies” might be displayed an ad meant for “puppy supplies.” A more exaggerated example might be a shopper searching for “office furniture,” who instead sees your ads for “baby furniture.”
You’ll get a lot more traffic when you use broad match, but that traffic won’t be very qualified. As the graphic above illustrates, there are four match types you can select from, and as a default I often recommend “modified broad.” Modified broad match helps ensure that your ad only shows for close variations of keywords. You can designate broad match by placing a plus sign before the keyword.
Exact match (indicated by putting your keyword in brackets) and phrase match (indicated by putting your keyword in quotes) work well, too, depending on what your ad is targeting.

Rule 4: Use Negative Match

It’s likely that many of the clicks from your PPC campaign are coming from shoppers who are not interested in buying your products.
Imagine that you sell Malibu car accessories, for example. If you run a query search report in Google, you may find that you are generating a lot of traffic from searchers who use the query “Malibu recipes.” Using negative match, you can ensure your ads won’t show up for these keywords.
Negative match gives you the ability to determine which searches will trigger your ads. It can make a big impact in the overall profitability of your campaign.

Rule 5: Test Your Ad Copy

You can ensure your PPC ads show higher on the page, for a lower CPC cost, by improving your AdWords Quality Score. One of the most effective ways to do this is to improve the click-through rate of your ads. Any approach to optimizing your click-through rate should involve testing multiple sets of ad copy to see what improves not only your click-through rate, but also the conversion rate of the clicks generated by that ad.
As a rule, try to have two or three variations of ad copy for each Ad Group. I'm often surprised by the ad copy that performs best, which is why testing is so important.

Rule 6: Implement Google Shopping

It’s generating robust results for many merchants, especially when they take the time to optimize their data feeds.
Even if you don’t have the tools or understanding to optimize your data feeds, you can still generate impressive results by using a simple strategy of bidding a penny or nickel per click within your Google Shopping — i.e., Product Listing Ads —campaigns.
In December, I helped three hesitant merchants deploy campaigns on Google Shopping using very small ad budgets, as summarized by the graphic below. The revenue generated from those campaigns delivered an outstanding return on ad spend that can’t be duplicated by any other paid marketing channel.

Lube Stickers - Identity of Famous 19th-Century Brain Discovered

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Lube Stickers
The identity of a mysterious patient who helped scientists pinpoint the brain region responsible for language has been discovered, researchers report.

The new finding, detailed in the January issue of the Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, identifies the famous patient as Monsieur Louis Leborgne, a French craftsman who battled epilepsy his entire life.

Wordless patient
In 1840, a wordless patient was admitted to the BicĂȘtre Hospital outside Paris for  aphasia, or an inability to speak. He was essentially just kept there, slowly deteriorating. It wasn't until 1861 that the man, who came to be known as Monsieur Leborgne, or "Tan," for his only spoken word, came to the famous physician Paul Broca's ward at the hospital.

Shortly after the meeting, Leborgne died, and Broca performed his autopsy. During the autopsy, Broca found a lesion in a region of the brain tucked back and up behind the eyes. 

Paradigm shift
After doing a detailed examination, Broca concluded that Tan's aphasia was caused by damage to this region, and that the particular brain region controlled speech. That region of the brain was later renamed Broca's area in honor of the doctor.

At the time, scientists were debating whether specific areas of the brain performed specific functions, or whether it was an undifferentiated lump that did one task, like the liver, said Marjorie Lorch, a neurolinguist at Birkbeck, University of London, who was not involved in the study.

"Tan was the first patient whose case proved that damage to a specific part of the brain causes specific speech disorders," said study author Cezary Domanski, a medical historian at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Poland.

Life reconstructed
Yet Tan's identity remained shrouded in mystery. Most historians believed he was a poor, illiterate laborer, while others said he had gone mad from syphilis and that madness could explain his inability to speak. To discover just who he was, Domanski began to retrace the man's history.

"It was a challenge, for 150 years no one could even determine the name of the man —the same man whose brain is exhibited in a museum and shown in many books," Domanski wrote in an email.

But looking through the old medical records, he finally uncovered a death certificate for Louis Victor Leborgne, who was born in 1809 in Moret, France.

Domanski then used archival records to discover that Louis Leborgne was one of seven children of a teacher (his father) and his wife, and that his siblings were educated. He moved to Paris as a child.

Leborgne had apparently suffered epilepsy from childhood. But despite his seizures, he grew up to be a craftsman and a church keeper, and worked there until he was 30 years old, when he lost the ability to speak and was taken to the hospital. Epilepsy likely caused the damage that took away Leborgne's power of speech.

In the hospital, his condition worsened and he eventually became paralyzed and bedridden, and underwent surgery for gangrene. He was dying when Broca first encountered him.

The new discovery gives a very human identity to one of the medical textbooks' most famous cases, Lorch told LiveScience.

"Language, because it was viewed at that time in Europe as a God-given ability in humans, it was considered part of the soul and therefore not material," Lorch said. "This case was the case that really established the whole area of research on functional organization of the brain."

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Website Designs - Infintech Designs Now Offering Free Consultation to Business Owners for Custom Sites

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By - Press Release
Category - Website Designs
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Website Designs
According to numbers recently released, the use of free templates to make business websites has decreased dramatically. Although a legitimate tool to establish presence on the web early in the Internet's history, today's website has to have more meat, more functionality and easier navigation, says Brian Hong of Infintech Designs. Because of this, Infintech Designs is announcing a free face-to-face consultation with business owners interested in converting their template website to a custom one or those just starting out and needing a site.

Say Hong, "The aesthetic of your web design is strongly connected with your message. The interface through which people access your information must be easy and practical. It is essential that the visual aesthetics of your website is aligned with the products, services, or information that you provide to your visitors. If you can dream it, we can achieve it, but we need to talk to you face to face to find out what conceptions you possess."

In the past, says Hong, having a website was enough. He explains, "Business owners had the "if you build it they will come" mentality. However, as technology has increased exponentially over the last ten years, it's become apparent business owners have to have an SEO marketing plan in place too. That's why New Orleans SEO by has become a rapidly growing portion of our business. The web design is at the core of any good SEO marketing plan, drawing customers back to the main URL or website for more information. It's the lead sales manager in a team of salesman tools."

At the free consultation by New Orleans Web Design by, a small or large business can learn everything they need to know to move forward. They will learn about web design options, SEO plans, brochures, logos and all the marketing tools bringing a campaign to life. Hong says, "We specialize in cost effective web designing services and in order to provide our clients a one-stop-solution to their internet requirements we not only offer website design, but every necessity to run an successful web presence including web redevelopment , domain name purchasing, hosting packages , SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and search engine optimization (SEO) as well as web site maintenance, management and technical support."

About Infintech Designs
Infintech Designs is a New Orleans web design & seo company specializing in cutting edge custom solutions for business websites. offers custom web design & SEO marketing. The Web Designers have years of experience, flexibility, creativity and innovative ideas to help clients with SEM (Search Engine Marketing), Internet Marketing, Web Hosting service, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Local Search Engine Optimization, Web design, Website Redesigning, Ecommerce Design, Graphic Design and other online services in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Business Cards Artwork - The Psychology of a Well Designed Business Card

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By -  Thorin Klosowski
Category - Business Cards Artwork
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Business Cards Artwork
Business card design is an art, but you don't have to dig into the details of graphic design just to make a simple card. Over on UPrinting, they've put together a few ways to use psychology to you advantage when designing you business cards. 

While your best bet is to sit back and learn the basics of design, UPrinting's advice is straight-forward enough that anyone can take something away from it. For instance, they're big fans of whitespace on business cards for a simple reason:
Another element to consider is more whitespace is generally associated with sophistication while less whitespace is often associated with cheap design. This helps explain why so many business cards take the simplistic approach and include the basic text, a lot of whitespace, and maybe a few engaging graphical or design elements.
Whitespace is easy, but they even dig into your typeface choice. If you're struggling to choose which font works best for you, they suggest you go with your gut:
They all have a completely different vibe, right? One trick for picking a font is to type out certain characteristics you think the font might possess in that specific font. Is it fun, energetic, tense, etc.?

Seeing the words in the font they potentially correspond with will help you determine if it's a good match. Also, consider if you can identify the opposite mood of the font. If you can't, that probably means it's not very clear and you can pick a better option.
The basics here are pretty simple, if you want to make your business card stand out, then keep an eye on psychological cues. While it's not an exact science, the idea that a thoughtful design makes your business cards more interesting certainly isn't new. According to Uprinting, it's not as hard as it seems. Once you're done with the design, you have a ton of options to get them printed for cheap.

Monday 28 January 2013

Car Wrap - Toyota Sold Nearly 9.75 Million Vehicles Last Year

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Category - Car Wrap
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Car Wrap
Toyota Motor Corp. released its tally for global vehicle sales for last year Monday at a record 9.748 million vehicles — a bigger number than the estimate it gave last month of about 9.7 million vehicles. 

It was already clear Toyota had dethroned General Motors Co. as the Detroit-based automaker fell short, selling 9.29 million vehicles.
GM had been the top-selling automaker for more than seven decades before losing the title to Toyota in 2008.

GM retook the sales crown in 2011, when Toyota’s production was hurt by the quake and tsunami in northeastern Japan.

The latest results show Toyota’s powerful comeback.
Global vehicle sales for the maker of the Camry sedan, Prius hybrid and Lexus luxury model surged nearly 23 percent from the previous year. Overseas sales jumped 19 percent, while sales in Japan, where the economy has been troubled, recovered a whopping 35 percent.

Volkswagen AG of Germany, the world’s No. 3 automaker, sold a record 9.1 million vehicles around the world.

All three automakers play down the significance of the sales ranking and say they are focused on making attractive products.

‘‘Rather than going after numbers, we hope to make fine products, one by one, to keep out customers satisfied. The numbers are just a result of our policy. And our policy will continue unchanged,’’ said Toyota spokeswoman Shino Yamada.

Still, the recovery for Toyota is impressive. Like other Japanese automakers, Toyota’s production was devastated by the March 2011 disasters, which disrupted supplies of crucial components. Flooding in Thailand, where Toyota has factories, also hurt car production.

Before that, it struggled against a crisis of massive recalls in the U.S. over defective floor mats, gas pedals and brakes, involving millions of vehicles, some recalled over and over, that hurt its reputation for quality.
Toyota officials have vowed to scrutinize quality, and have held back product development to minimize recalls.

From the middle of last year, it was hit by another kind of problem — a widespread boycott of Japanese products, including Toyota cars, in China over a territorial dispute.

But sales growth in other parts of the world, including the U.S. and Asian nations such as Indonesia and India, was more than enough to offset such losses.

Toyota is planning to sell 9.91 million vehicles globally in 2013, putting it back on track toward its earlier goal of 10 million vehicles — a target that it had made a special effort to play down after its recall crisis.

Search Engine Optimization - Melbourne SEO Strategists Reveal How Businesses Earn More By Working Less

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By - Press Release

Search Engine Optimization
Leading Melbourne SEO strategists, Melbourne SEO Services, have announced the dates of their highly limited internet workshop for businesses, which focuses on two key areas: outsourcing work and capturing more traffic. The seminars will be lead by industry experts and span over two days in February. “It’s going to be an intense agenda, but the information attendees will receive is priceless” says David Jenyns, SEO expert and owner of Melbourne SEO Services.

One of the many problems small to medium businesses face in their schedules is lack of time. Business owners often spend many of their working hours performing tedious tasks, instead of working on ways to grow their business. 

For many years, well respected SEO strategists Melbourne SEO Services have made it their mission to help business owners overcome this time dilemma by providing courses about smart SEO, as well as offering tailored internet marketing consulting packages. What’s more, they’ve recently announced their next workshop which concentrates specifically on outsourcing work to free up time, as well as how to benefit from unused traffic sources.

This forthcoming workshop called The Outsource Profit Machine 2 is the sequel to the highly acclaimed Outsource Profit Machine course, and will be the focal point of day one. David says, “We’re really proud to bring out an extension to the first OPM. The success of the original course enabled it to become a part of the renowned Profithacks launch, and was even attended by the Market Samurai team.”

The workshop’s first day will see attendees learning all the latest strategies and advantages of growing virtual teams, whereby tasks can be delegated through the web to workers in other countries. When managed correctly, virtual teams allow business owners to work less while earning more.

David explains “By outsourcing tasks to a virtual team, website owners can finally work on their business, instead of in it. By shedding tedious jobs, the business can put their efforts into making more money and profits. The cost versus reward ratio is heavily slanted in the business owner’s favour.”

The workshop provides step-by-step instructions on how to best build a virtual team and will be presented by marketing experts David Jenyns, Pete Williams, Chris Ducker and special guest Jen Sheahan. David continues, “We’re really lucky to have Chris Ducker on board for this session. He’s a well known outsourcer in the Philippines and knows exactly how to get A-Players into a team.” David goes on by saying that after day one, businesses will know exactly how to outsource and build an effectual virtual team.

With work now delegated and out of the way, how will website owners spend their newly acquired free time to actually make more money? This is where the following day’s course comes in.

Day two of this Melbourne SEO workshop will revolve around Google Display Network & Analytics. Main presenter Mike Rhodes, a web savvy expert in Google Adwords, will show participants different ways to unleash great sources of traffic, many of which are easily overlooked.

David remarks, “Mike will concentrate on re-marketing and converting warm leads already coming to a website, and then getting those buyers to return.” Mike will then explain how to understand and interpret Google Analytics in order to get the most actionable data for a website. “This day is all about turning stats and numbers into usable tools, and that turns into dollars” says David.

The workshops are designed to draw businesses into the leading edge of online marketing, by outsourcing work to virtual teams and taking advantage of untapped traffic sources.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Brochure Designers - Unlocking Cellphones Becomes Illegal Saturday In The U.S.

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By - Michael Gowan
Category - Brochure Designers
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Brochure Designers
The clock to unlock a new mobile phone is running out.

In October 2012, the Librarian of Congress, who determines exemptions to a strict anti-hacking law called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), decided that unlocking mobile phones would no longer be allowed. But the librarian provided a 90-day window during which people could still buy a phone and unlock it. That window closes on Jan. 26.

Unlocking a phone frees it from restrictions that keep the device from working on more than one carrier's network, allowing it run on other networks that use the same wireless standard. This can be useful to international travelers who need their phones to work on different networks. Other people just like the freedom of being able to switch carriers as they please.

The new rule against unlocking phones won't be a problem for everybody, though. For example, Verizon's iPhone 5 comes out of the box already unlocked, and AT&T will unlock a phone once it is out of contract.

You can also pay full-price for a phone, not the discounted price that comes with a two-year service contract, to receive the device unlocked from the get-go. Apple sells an unlocked iPhone 5 starting at $649, and Google sells its Nexus 4 unlocked for $300. 

Advocacy group the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) questions whether the DMCA has the right to determine who can unlock a phone. In an email to TechNewsDaily, EFF attorney Mitch Stoltz said, "Arguably, locking phone users into one carrier is not at all what the DMCA was meant to do. It's up to the courts to decide."

If you do buy a new phone and want to unlock it before the deadline, you must first ask your carrier if the company will unlock your phone for you. The DMCA only permits you to unlock your phone yourself once you've asked your carrier first.

(Note that unlocking is different from "jailbreaking," which opens the phone up for running additional software and remains legal for smartphones.)

Christopher S. Reed from the U.S. Copyright Office noted in an email to TechNewsDaily that "only a consumer, who is also the owner of the copy of software on the handset under the law, may unlock the handset."

But come Saturday, you'll have to break the law to unlock your phone. If you want to get in under the gun, you can search the Internet for the code to enter to unlock the phone or find a tool that will help you accomplish the task.

The change could crimp the style of carriers like T-Mobile, which have pushed "bring your own device" as an incentive for switching service providers. Such carriers promise savings in exchange for using your existing phone on their network.

T-Mobile has promoted this notion for iPhones, in particular, since the company is the only one of the big four U.S. carriers that doesn't sell the iPhone. The carrier goes so far as to feature ads displaying an open padlock, with an iPhone replacing the body of the lock. T-Mobile declined to comment.

Company Branding - Apple Profit Hits New High

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By - India Times
Category - Company Branding
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Company Branding
Apple shares tumbled on Wednesday after the tech giant posted record profits and sales of its iPhones and iPads, but offered a disappointing forecast for the coming months.

Apple said it made a profit of $13.l billion on revenue of $54.5 billion in the fiscal quarter that ended on December 29 as sales of iPhones and iPads set quarterly records.

The California-based company reported that it sold 47.8 million iPhones and 22.9 million iPad tablet computers in the closing months of last year.

"We're thrilled with record revenue of over $54 billion and sales of over 75 million iOS devices in a single quarter," said Apple chief executive Tim Cook.

Some investors soured on Apple, however, after it forecast that revenue for the current quarter would range from $41 to $43 billion and a gross margin of from 37.5 to 39.5 percent.

Peter Misek, analyst at Jefferies, said Apple's results topped the consensus "but fell short of our estimates."

"In particular iPhone shipments of 47.8 were disappointing," he said, noting the brokerage's estimate of 53 million.
 Apple shares dropped to $481.72 in after-market trading that followed release of the earnings results.

"The most important thing is that our customers love our products," Cook said in an earnings call with financial analysts.

"Not just buy them; love them," he continued. "Everyone at Apple has their eyes on the future."

Apple's stock has been in a downward spiral since hitting a record level above $700 last year, amid concerns that the technology icon is losing its edge in innovation, and that rivals are catching up or beating Apple in key segments.

Recently, the iPhone 5 made a lackluster debut in China and an analyst reported that Apple has cut orders for smartphone parts.

Apple remains the world's most valuable company but its image has been hit by several factors, including an embarrassing release of its glitch-ridden maps program for the new iP

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Pay Per Click Services - Intel to Desktop PC: No Motherboards For You!

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By -  Pete Pachal
Category - Pay Per Click Services
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Pay Per Click Services
Intel will stop making desktop PC motherboards after the next generation of its chip technology arrives, the company has announced. The fourth-generation Core processors, codenamed "Haswell," will be the last line of chips for which Intel will build desktop motherboards, and it will fully wind down the business over the next three years.

To clarify, Intel is halting the manufacturing of motherboards — the component of a PC that holds the CPU, RAM and connectivity elements — not desktop processors themselves. Various manufacturers — such as Asus and Gigabyte — will continue to make desktop motherboards, AnandTech reports, and enthusiasts who build their own PCs already have many third-party suppliers to choose from.

Still, the move can only be interpreted as an acknowledgment that desktop PCs are dying off (a key trend my colleague Lance Ulanoff predicted for 2013). The desktop market has been declining for years, mirroring the shrinking of the overall PC market as consumers shift their digital lives to smartphones and tablets.

SEE ALSO: Google: Desktops Will Be Irrelevant in Three Years' Time
However, recent numbers show demand for desktop computers hasn't declined as fast as the demand for PCs in general, according to reports from research groups Gartner and NPD. The desktop market is likely being helped by the rise of all-in-one designs such as Apple's iMac. Also, the laptop market has been hurt by the implosion of netbooks, the mild demand for ultra-thin designs and the public's lukewarm reaction to Windows 8.

Besides weak desktop-PC demand, Intel has other reasons for halting its desktop motherboard business. The trend in chip design — particularly at Intel — is toward system-on-a-chip (SoC) designs, with the CPU, RAM and graphics all on one chip. In addition, the market for motherboards has consolidated to a few very competent manufacturers, and the need for Intel to introduce a "reference" design is less necessary.

Finally, there's the most obvious reason: The margins are thin on the products, and it's difficult to make money on them. As Intel gears up to expand its presence on mobile devices with its Atom processors, getting out of low-performing businesses should improve its focus.

Search Engine Optimisation - SEO Company of India, Profit By Search Announces Republic Day Discounts

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By - Press Release
Category - Search Engine Optimisation
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Search Engine Optimisation
Creating an effective SEO campaign is going to take time and energy, but it is necessary for any company that would like to expand their business, attract new customers, and keep up with the competition. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done and many find their websites to be ineffective and not bringing in the traffic that they would like to see. This is why the leading SEO Firm in India, Profit By Search, is now offering SEO Packages that are customized for the needs of every single client. 

Profit By Search’s SEO packages range from Bronze packages, which are suited for those looking to get their website featured in the search engines, to Platinum Packages which are designed to take the website to a whole new level even for very competitive search phrases. On all the packages the company has now announced heavy discounts on the occasion of Republic Day.

Profit By Search’s SEO Plan Comprises of the following Activities:
Search Engine Optimization
To Design Search Engine Friendly Web Sites
Paid Submissions to Major Search Engines
Submissions to Industry Specific Engines
Submissions to Regional Engines
Regular Reporting & Monitoring of Web Site
Competitor Analysis & Monitoring Content Composition Services
Pay Per Click Campaigns
Link Popularity Services
SEO Company of India, Profit By Search is offering 10% discount on all its SEO Packages during this Halloween. To avail of this Discount, use the Coupon code ‘Hallo 10’.
About the SEO Company, Profit By Search

One of the premier providers of SEO Services, Profit By Search not only serves the purpose of increasing a client's website visibility on major search engines, but it also helps solve various technical problems of a website like providing a client with unique content to keep the website away from getting slapped by the Google Panda, improvise on methods to improve lost rankings, helps fight better with the bounce rates, maximize the rate of return on investment for advertising budget and many other such services.

SEO should be a part of every websites marketing mix; they deliver result for companies around the world so if one wants Profit By Search #1 Search Engine Optimization Company India to help with their big plans then they would take their own initiative to chat about India's finest SEO Service offerings.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Custom Website Development - What Is Best When Choosing A Web Development Company in Australia?

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Custom Website Development
Deciding on which Web Development Company in Australia company to select can be quiet tricky especially if you are hiring such company for the first time. In case you are looking for some professional website designers, you are advised to make a good research on it. If you are residing in Australia and looking for a good web designer then ensure that you make a good research on it. Right form deciding with the budget till the how they would be providing with the final work, you need to make sure that the company is good in all fields.

Starting with the budget, ensure that the company you choose fits in your budget. For this you can either ask for some reference form your family members or friends who have earlier opted for such type of services or make a good online research where you can get detailed information and contact about the popular companies that offer this services.

Then next matters is the experience. No matter whether the company located in particular area have highly professionals or not, but the experience is a must. With wide range of experience and advices, you can get the best company that can certainly offers you with best services.

Third thing that matters is the working style. Unless and until you are not comfortable to work with the particular company as per their standards and norms or vice a versa, a good communication cannot be built. Hence, ensure that the company you choose is co-operative friendly at the same time is capable enough to work as per your demands and needs.

Selecting the company can be quite difficult decision to make.
However, it is important as the huge financial investment along with your reputation in the market is involved. Hence, no matter whichever company you choose, ensure that they have more number of satisfied and loyal clients who would be glad to work with them again. 

Before you move on to choosing the the right company, remember, you must be first clear with all things a company should offers when it comes of website designing.

Starting up with designing of the site which is obvious for a businessman to look for, ensure that the experts who would be working for your project are highly qualified and have the ability to use perfect blend of creativity and professionalism. They should be ready to help you 24* 7 and must be kind enough to explain you wheat all things are necessary to add up in your site to get more traffic and accordingly work on it.

Lube Stickers - World unemployment figures set to rise in 2013, claims UN labour agency

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Lube Stickers
A record 202 million people could be unemployed across the world in 2013, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Tuesday.

Five years on from the onset of the financial crisis, unemployment is on the rise again as economies around the world lose jobs and the fragile recovery is threatened by "incoherent monetary policy" in the US and Europe, said the ILO.

According to United Nation's agency's latest report, Global Employment Trends 2013, 6% of the world's workforce were without a job in 2012. The number of jobless people around the world rose by 4m in 2012 to 197m. Young people were the worst affected: nearly 13% of those under 24 were unemployed. Some 35% of all young unemployed people have been out of work for six months or longer in advanced economies, up from 28.5% in 2007.

"This is a massive waste of the lives of young people and their talents and extraordinarily damaging to the people themselves and their societies even if stability were not to be affected," said ILO chief Guy Ryder.
The situation is being exacerbated by "incoherent monetary policy," in the world's largest economies (the G20), said the ILO. "In comparison with the crisis years of 2008 and 2009, the stance of monetary and fiscal policies in G20 countries has lost coherence, thereby increasing uncertainty and limiting policy effectiveness to support the recovery," said the report.

The global economy is expected to show a modest gain in 2013, with output up 3.6% compared to 3.3% in 2012, according to the International Monetary Fund. But this fragile recovery is threatened by political uncertainty on both sides of the Atlantic that threatens recovery worldwide, said the ILO.

In the US, the recovery is being challenged by negotiations over the debt ceiling, and spending cuts associated with the fiscal cliff. In Europe, a modest recovery is dependent on the ability of political leaders to "establish credible policies to promote fiscal integration of Euro-area economies".

"Incoherence between monetary and fiscal policies adopted in different countries and a piecemeal approach to financial sector and sovereign debt problems, in particular in the euro area, have led to uncertainty weighing on the global outlook," said the report.

"Investment has not yet recovered to pre-crisis levels in many countries. The indecision of policymakers in several countries has led to uncertainty about future conditions, and reinforced corporate tendencies to increase cash holdings or pay dividends rather than expand capacity and hire new workers."

The world's advanced economies were the epicenter for the financial crisis and have been the hardest hit, accounting for half of the total increase in unemployment of 28 million since the onset of the crisis.

But developing economies are now being hit by the double dip in some of the world's advanced economies, said the ILO. Advanced economies lost another 1m jobs in 2012, while 3m were lost in other regions, especially hard hit were east Asia, south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Google Ad - OMC Says Splitting Google Advertising Campaigns by Device Is Now Fundamental

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Google Ad
New research released by showed that there is a growing difference between online advertising behaviour on smartphones,tablets and desktop/laptop PC's. In their "Paid search trends for 2013" study, concluded that "Investing in device-specific targeting will become increasingly important in 2013 as tablets gain greater market share."

The immediate consequence of this news may not be obvious to the layman but Online Advertising expert David Twigg of OMC says it makes the argument even more compelling for a professionally managed adwords campaign. He says "The evolution of online advertising is pretty rapid at the moment and one of the main areas it is evolving the fastest is in creating campaigns that are friendly to the range of devices they are being consumed on. For example smartphones have a quite specific advertising layout due to the size of the screen, tablets are more akin to laptops and desktops but still have a range of small detail differences.

In's study it was found smartphone share of ad clicks was starting to stabilize whilst tablet share is continuing to increase. Twigg says "Whilst smartphone internet usage will keep growing the experience is still a long way behind a more meaty device like a tablet or laptop and as tablets and laptops become more and more portable i can see they will eat into the smartphone consumption of the internet over time. Of course all types of device will probably continue to grow in terms of pure numbers but i see tablets gaining the upper hand in market share terms."

In the same report pointed to the reversal of Google advertising cost per click levels, claiming that product listing ads were a main contributor to this trend reversal. " Our clients are on average paying lower costs per click than 12 months ago." David Twigg says "I think the last 12 months has been a big watershed for online marketing because there have been a lot of disillusioned advertisers that thought it was easy to generate leads and sales online but through a mixture of inept campaign management and poor decision making they have burnt their budgets. We have seen many competitors to our clients drop out of the adwords landscape presumably through lack of ROI, this reduces the bidding environment and causes cpc's to fall."

OMC launched a free adwords advertising appraisal last week aimed at Australian businesses that feel their adwords campaigns should be performing better, it is available by clicking here

Content Management System - Can You Drive Safely While Using an App?

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By - Kate Freeman
Category - Content Management System
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Content Management System
People are going to use smartphones in their cars whether we enable them or not, a GM spokesperson told Mashable at International CES 2013 when explaining the company's plans to create an in-car smartphone-syncing dashboard. 

It's true that people have a hard time taking a break from their mobile device — even when they're behind the wheel. A new study from McKinsey shows that 35% of smartphone owners said they use them while driving. And those are just the ones who admitted it. Out of the 4,000 people surveyed for the report, 89% said they use their phone for calls while driving; 68% said for navigation and 39% said for SMS. The survey also shows that 55% of people ages 18 to 39 say they think in-car access to data is important. And 83% of that same group is willing to pay for in-car access. 

At CES 2013, car companies like Ford and GM were eager to share their upcoming smartphone-integrated systems, plus initiatives to encourage developers to make more apps that consumers can use while in their cars. 

Sound dangerous? There's definitely that potential since using your phone while driving is distracting: texting and driving makes an accident 23 times more likely; another report shows that up to 25% of all roadway accidents are gadget related. However, we have seen some apps that can be used to create safer drivers. Yet the statistics on gadget-related accidents, and what is working to prevent those accidents, are clear. Some states have passed bans on the use of mobile devices while driving: California, for instance, saw road fatalities decline by 22% in just two years after it implemented a ban on talking or texting on a mobile phone while driving. 

But maybe the car companies have a point — the consumers are going to use their devices regardless, so they might as well make them more touch-free. 

Scott Fosgard, infotainment communications manager for GM, told Mashable at International CES 2013 that safety would be a top priority for any in-car app they would install. 

In-car apps would work through a dashboard installed in the car, so it could possibly require less of your attention than a smartphone. 

At this point, car makers are open to any new ideas from developers for in-car apps. Some have suggested navigation apps; free streaming music apps; and apps that help people find the closest gas station while monitoring how much fuel their car has in its tank.

Web Design - Factors To Focus When Picking The Web Design And Development Company

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Web Design
Website design can be one of the most demanded outsourced tasks for the company. Developing a web based presence through an online site is among the vital steps in expanding the company’s market.

Web development falls into two types of IT entities:

• An individual developer or a freelancer – smaller companies will be satisfied when hiring a freelancer
• Web development company – well established business prefer to work with companies like themselves

Dotwebz is very essential for every business; it deals with strategies in bringing out modern techniques that help to build a great platform for your business.

Picking the most effective website design Company:

Dotwebz make available various suggestions as regarding how to develop the website design or development company. Here we will discuss the primary factors that are important when selecting the web design company:

• Portfolio of work – looking of the past projects may be the quickest and simplest way in deciding a good company. The properly designed webpage is essential to generate the first impact of the company, so be sure you look deeper into the portfolio.

• Cost – the money necessary each web design companies is will be different, a number of may charge high set up costs & low recurring fees whereas some others have low set up cost and high recurring fees.

• Skills – the abilities of the website design company will depend upon their aims and objectives

• Qualifications – always ask for the credentials of the designers or else keep members inside the company. Qualification is vital to judge their experience and expertise.

• References – always look for the companies that make available some kind of client feedback to judge the good will. A common problem is that relying on published references is that no company will obviously advertise a bad or else in different reference so a client feedback will be the right option.

• Size of the company – one must understand that the size of the company gives you on indication about the quality of the work they produce otherwise the amenities supplied by them. Crucial factor has to be given on whether they are productive and if they've the capability of manufacturing high level of support.

• Deadlines – always ensure that your projected time scale can be achieved by the company. Is the website is more complex it will take time to realize this as the designers will require a specific brief before having the ability to provide time scales.

• Personality – nearly all of the website design projects last for several weeks or even years so a high level of compatibility should be maintained, that will make the process significantly enjoyable for the viewers

Search Engine Optimization - How To Create Your Local SEO Roadmap Through Research

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Search Engine Optimization
During the regular online training sessions which I deliver to our customers, I inevitably get asked the same question. Actually this question comes in a few guises.
  • What should I focus on more – citations or links?
  • Are reviews an important factor for local ranking?
  • How many citations should I build for my client?
  • How do I know the best categories for my client to be listed in?
But, they are all asking the same basic question: What do I need to focus on to improve my client’s rankings?
Unfortunately, I don’t have a silver-bullet answer because there isn’t one. Every client, every location, every industry and every competitor set is different. And because of this, the right solution is also different.
What I do say to them is that all successful and efficient SEO campaigns start with detailed Research and Benchmarking.
Research and benchmarking gives you a clear understanding of each client’s SEO situation and how they compare to their competitors. Once you have this data, it becomes clear what areas you need to prioritize and how much work is needed.
If you skip over this research/benchmark phase and don’t establish a starting point to track changes against, then you’re working in the dark.

Building Your Local SEO Roadmap

SEO is a journey. And all good journeys need planning. Planning creates a roadmap for you to follow which tells you where you are and keeps you on the right path to success.
If you tackle the research and benchmarking phase correctly, then you should be able to answer the following 3 questions:
  1. Where is my client now and how does their SEO compare to their competitors?
  2. What SEO tasks do I need to focus on as a priority, and what can I put aside for now?
  3. How much work is needed to get my client into top x search results for their key terms?
This is your SEO roadmap. It tells you where you’re starting from, where you’re heading to and what’s the best route to get you there. If you know these three things, then your chances of success are massively improved, and you will run your campaigns with much greater efficiency and productivity.

Offset Printing Services - Technology Ranks World's Most-Trusted Industry in 2013

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By - Zoe Fox
Category - Offset Printing Services
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Offset Printing Services
The technology industry has been ranked most-trusted for the second consecutive year, ahead of the automotive, and food and beverage industries, according to the 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer.

"As an industry, I think tech companies pre-anticipate and solve problems for consumers," Ben Boyd, Edelman's corporate global practice chairman, told Mashable. "I also think in today's world where technology is connecting people, it's the companies that get credit for making it happen. It really creates a halo effect for the industry itself."

The findings of the Trust Barometer, an annual survey of 31,000 people in 26 countries evaluating trust in leaders, institutions and industries, were released Monday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Edelman's primary takeaway from the study of people in 26 countries was an overwhelming distrust in leadership compared to institutions.

The 20-minute online survey was conducted between Oct. 16 and Nov. 29, 2012 by research firm Edelman Berland. The survey was completed by 26,000 general population responders and an oversample of 5,800 informed publics (college educated, high earners who regularly watch the news). 

Among respondents, 77% say they trust technology companies, which is down from 79% in 2012. Boyd warns that the tech industry will face more scrutiny should larger data breeches occur. 

"It's a double edged sword: As technology enables more data capture and data dissemination, data concerns are going to rise," Boyd says. "For the tech industry, that's how do we continue to deliver value while not compromising things customers' value."

The least trusted industries are media, banks and financial services, which have been embroiled in major recent controversies. The second-ranked automotive industry, Boyd notes, has regained trust after its late-2000s crisis.

Monday 21 January 2013

E commerce Website Design - 4Truth Web Design: Increase Your Online Visibility With High Standard Website

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E commerce Website Design
 The massive shift of business from old fashion means of marketing to e-commerce, has increased the growth of online marketing today. Numerous individuals make their purchases online, therefore it is very essential to create a highly attractive and user-friendly website that could increase your customers online. Whether, you are a small business or big, creation of a lucrative website can only serve as the best link between buyers and sellers. Therefore, it is better to choose a web development company that could understand your features and could make you effectively visible in the online market. Moreover, if you are searching for a credible web development company then “4 Truth Web Design” is the best stop for you.

Serving as the leading company for web development, we provide an ultimate solution to any business requirement. Founded on the basis of integrity, service, commitment and truth, our services will allow you to have a desired website that will offer excellent end results. Based on Christian principles, we provide the best solution at an affordable rate to our customers. The Content Management System (CMS) used by our experts will allow you to have a better website that can be managed with ease.

Allowing multiple author editing and participation, CMS serve as the best programming language that is easily used by the experts of web design services Nashville. Our professionals exploring collaborative environment will allow you to have excellent content display with this browser-based interfaces. Exploring functionality such as a photo gallery or e-commerce shopping cart, the use of the CMS, by our professionals is the best for quick and easy updates to the content.

Organizing and collecting input and data from your site visitors, the system will allow you to have low maintenance and update cost as compared to static HTML/CSS. Offering Spam protection the system will also allow your website to explore Simple Newsletter and Automatic update. Using the primary CMS system, Mojo Portal, our Nashville Christian web design professionals will allow you to have to have a perfect built-in support for forums, blogs, event calendars, photo galleries and e-commerce on your website.

Our website designer Nashville can also build your site using another CMS system, Word Press. Serving as the as free and open source blogging tool, the system will allow your website to explore many features, through plug-in architecture and a template system.