Sunday 20 January 2013

Car Wrap - Vinyl Car Wraps Soon To Hit USA And UK

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By -  Marketers Media
Category - Car Wrap
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Car Wrap
Car wrapping will soon be introduced in the USA and the UK from the Netherlands. This is good news for car owners and auto enthusiasts who have to coat their cars after incidents like minor car accidents, vandalism or simply the wearing and tearing of its shine and color. The spokes person of this new business site Vinyl Car Wraps said: “We are the number one car wrapping shop online in the Netherlands and we are opening our online shop very soon in the UK and US”” 

Car wrapping simply means wrapping one’s car with a car wrapping foil to give it back its original color and shine. It is vastly cheaper than car spray despite the fact that most users swear that car wrapping foil definitely protects their car coat and makes it look dazzling and new. Vinyl Car Wraps Online is soon launching its website and business knowing that most car owners in the USA and the UK are all potential clients of their services and product. Car wrap vinyl used to be unavailable for the ordinary car owner but today this innovation is available for less than 250 Euros if one wants something the size of the Volkswagen Golf looking like new again. Thus, an ordinary regular sized car will only cost about 275 Euros to about 350 Euros depending on one’s cars size and the car wrapping foil it needs to make it look brand new once more.
The company will also sell car wrap vinyl and car wrapping foils to customers who choose to do the work on their car by themselves. Thus, DIY (Do It Yourself) car wrapping is expected to be the next trend in car maintenance. 

For instance, those who buy new cars can make sure that their car color will not fade despite constant use and weather because this company offers one of the strongest brands of car wrapping foil. Even restorers of vintage cars need not be wary of having their antique autos car wrapped because this car wrapping foil is made of extremely thin vinyl. The car wrapping foil is made up of several flexible layers and can be smoothed easily in case mistakes are made in applying it on own car. 

The secret of this car wrapping, according to this company, is both the flexibility and the capability of the car wrapping vinyl foil to stick thoroughly and snugly even in parts of the car that seem difficult to reach. Another advantage is that the car color does not change despite weather conditions and if minor accidents occur like a “car scratch” it is relatively easy to take off that part of the foil and put another one over it. 

Car wrapping is now available for all who wish to have their cars, bikes, yachts, motorcycles and other metal or chrome items looking brand new again.


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  2. You are right! Nowadays car wrapping is used as the hottest advertisement tool and now it is available in cars, trucks, bikes, yachts etc. Thanks for sharing your blog with us.

    Car wraps UK
